«Meditation path»

The Kargopol sector

Pedestrian radial route

13 km — 2 hours

All year round


From Maselga village — the shore of lake Sineye — village Maselga.

The start is 8 km from Morshihinskaya village — in Maselga village, wh ere, if you wish, you can get with a transport of the park. The trail passes through the area of the Maselga and Sineye lake. A journey through the «Meditation path» will allow you to take a fresh look at the usual things and phenomena, feel the fragility and vulnerability of the surrounding world. You will learn legends and fairy tales about plants and their miraculous properties, hear stories how in old times they were collected and used at the farm, you will read the reflections of philosophers, writers, artists, poets about the value of the unity of man and nature. You will get acquainted with the traditions of celebrating the Day of Ivan Kupala, associated with a deep folk belief in the all-powerful forces of nature. Hospitable local residents organize a tea meal with herbal decoctions and infusions in a cozy «Tea House» on a picturesque peninsula. «Meditation path» is unusual trail, its improvement started by schoolchildren from Russia, USA, Holland, Great Britain, Germany and Japan, and the works were completed with the participation of local residents with the financial support of the Fund for Sustainable Development.


Rent of vehicles for the route from Morshchikhinskaya village — Masylega village — Morshihinskaya village is paid separately.

Participation in a tea ceremony is included in the tour price.

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