«Path of anthills»

Kargopol sector

By foot, circle route

3,5 km —2 hours

All year round


From the visitor centre in the village Morshihinskaya — the tract «Goreloe» — a forest path — a wet valley of the stream — the shore of lake Lekshmozero — the village of Morshchikhinskaya.
This is the most suitable for an inquisitive visitor for the first acquaintance with the nature of the southern part of the Park. It represents almost all types of ecosystems around Lekshmozero lake. Here you will be surrounded by pine forest with bilberry, wild rosemary, in some parts — lichen pine forests, you will see a small area of the indigenous log fir grove, a small swamp, a forest stream, the coast of the lake overgrown with reeds and alder, and finally a growing field — a former airfield. It is interesting that on this trail near the village you can find not only ordinary inhabitants of the fields and forests of the Park, but also representatives of the Red Book of Russia, for example, a very rare species of fern — moon-fern, or you can see the hovering white-tailed eagle. The abundance of large anthills is striking. There are more than a hundred of them here. It is interesting that in addition to natural attractions, there are historical and cultural sites on this trail.

The chapel of Saint Blessed Xenia of St. Petersburg built by local residents next to the small roadside chapel of the Virgin Healer. At the creek, next to the chapel, there was ice hole used for water consecration on Epiphany Day. Near the chapel there is a pine tree — «Holy tree».

And very close to the Visiting Center, on the high bank of Lekshmozero lake, a mesolithic site of ancient people was discovered, the age of which is supposedly three and a half to four thousand years old. Flint tools for hunting and fishing and fragments of ceramic vessels were also found here. Local schoolchildren, who took part in the development and arrangement of the trail, will help you to get better acquaintanted with natural ecosystems and their inhabitants.


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