• The Pomorye carpentry school began the restoration of a masterpiece of Russian wooden architecture in the Pochezero churchyard of the 18th-19th centuries, a monument of federal significance. Financial support was provided by the Directorate of Cultural Heritage of Norway.
  • Chapels of St. Blasius of the 19th century on Bear Island and chapel of the Archangel Michael of the 18th century in Fedosovo are restored.
  • The historical and architectural key plans of the villages were developed: Semenovo, Zekhnovo, Vidyagino, Tyryshkino; an inventory of “holy” groves, ancient trails and roads as components of cultural landscapes began.
  • At the expense of two grants from the National Parks Fund equipment was purchased for the Crafts Center at the Lekshmozero School, preparations for restoration project of cultural landscape of Porzhensky Pogost began.
  • In Vershinino, the reconstruction began of the old two-story house of the merchant Kozhevnikov and the building of the former state farm canteen for the cafe-common room.
  • A grant from the Norwegian Barents Secretariat allowed to start the construction of a conference center in Maselga village to organize environmental education events.